Sunday 2 February 2020

Obesity In Adolescents

One of the most important requirements for the physical, mental and emotional well being of any individual, especially adolescents, is the consumption of a balanced diet. It is during school and early college that eating habits are cultivated for most of life, and unhealthy consumption of food is certainly risky. Excessive consumption of oily foods and fast food can lead to obesity, which often is a precursor for ailments such as diabetes.

Social pressure has led many adolescents to gravitate towards definite body sizes and specific images. Despite this, the predominant reason for obesity among adolescents across cities has been the lack of exercise. Ignorance towards a healthy lifestyle has led to the increased requirement of the best obesity doctor in Delhi.

As a disease, obesity cannot be helped in a number of individuals. Some have been diagnosed with genetic problems while for others, heavy body structures have trickled down generations. Those working in offices should spend time away from their desks also and participate in physical activities on either weekdays or weekends. Desk jobs have become culprits for obesity in a number of cases these days.

What can be done to solve the problem? 

Several adolescents can be seen skipping breakfasts in their attempts to reach schools or colleges these days. What’s worse, kids tend to compensate by eating more in their afternoon meals, and this is not a healthy habit. There’s a reason for breakfast to have been labeled as the most important meal of the day. In fact, scientific studies have shown the absence of breakfast to result in increased BMI (Body Mass Index). Spending lesser time over make up or getting ready can certainly help in changing this habit.

In an obese adolescent female, medical, reproductive and psychological problems are commonly visible, and so early intervention is vital for preventing short term and long term morbidity. Peer pressure amongst obese individuals is also very high, which often leads to a loss in self confidence. Parents and guardians need to play strong roles to influence adolescents in a positive manner. These days, one can also opt for bariatric surgery by the best obesity doctor in Delhi to get rid of the problem at a deeper level.